Step Right Up ... Come On In

Welcome to Nashville Hi-Fi studio ! 

As you might already know, we've been in the studio this fall working on my first ever record. I want to invite you into the room with us because I know it will make the final product that much more special when you finally hear it. 

Meet Dan. He's the fella up there with the headphones on. He's in the process of putting together a "The Making Of" preview video for ya'll. It will be released with the record. 

The other fella down there, with the sweet spectacles, is Evan. He is not only the producer extraordinaire of this great endeavor but has become one of my best friends during the process. He is seriously talented ya'll !

I've decided it's best to wait until after the holiday frenzy to release it, but you can expect it just on the other side of January 2015. In fact, next week I'll be announcing the specific release date and bringing you a cover of a song that inspires me and reminds me why I do what I do. 

There will be giveaways and more in-depth videos coming your way as we journey together towards the release. In fact, I'd like to continue this theme of "Songs That Inspire" cover series into the next month, and I'd like to know what song inspires YOU the most? Join the conversation, leave a comment below, and I just might do YOUR favorite song! 

Most of all I just want you guys to know how much your friendship means to me. Thank you for your support and I hope I can return the boatloads of love ya'll continue to send my way! 


Wishing you the best, 
xo Nicole xo 

PS: A lot of people have asked me, "What the heck is an EP, Nicole?!" :) It pretty much just means short album. It is a hefty EP though, there will be 7 fully produced tracks !